America's Geekheart (Bro Code Book 2)

America's Geekheart (Bro Code Book 2)

Kindle Edition
31 Mar
Pippa Grant
Remember that time you accidentally sexted your boss?

Yeah. I just basically did the equivalent. Except worse. Now my millions of social media followers are reading and sharing the rude, smartass message I meant to send privately to my little sister as a joke...and I’m officially public enemy number one.

I’m Beck Ryder. Former boy bander. Underwear model. Fashion mogul. And I buried my entire leg in my mouth—not just my foot—modern internet style, and publicly insulted my sister’s neighbor.

Sarah Dempsey.

Also known as the woman of my dreams, who loves geeky TV shows, baseball, and giraffes, who’s just as turned on by food as I am, and who has a huge secret that I didn’t see coming.

Now it's time to grovel and apologize publicly on social media and hope that those same followers who helped start the raging shitstorm will help calm the waters.

Because Sarah doesn’t want the spotlight. For very good reasons that I can’t tell you right now and trying to convince her to be my fake girlfriend to fix this mess and make me look like less of a jackass is worse than taking a kick to the nuts by Jackie Chan.

And I thought modeling underwear made me feel naked.

Trying to start a relationship in the era of the Twitterazzi isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

America’s Geekheart is a rockin’ fun romantic comedy featuring a billionaire fashion mogul who got his start modeling underwear, the geeky girl next door with a secret the size of California, and more superstitions and secrets than you can shake a baseball bat at. It stands alone with no cheating or cliffhangers.

Reviews (433)

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

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